- (860) 756-0972
- cecelia@kirschbaumlaw.com
Cecelia R. Klotzer
Legal AssistantCecelia Klotzer provides administrative support to everyone at the firm.
Cecelia joined the firm in November 2023. Before joining the firm, Cecelia was the financial manager and events coordinator of WHUS, a radio station at the University of Connecticut. She also completed an internship with Care4Calais, a volunteer-run charity that works with refugees throughout Europe, and for which she received the Elizabeth C. Hanson scholarship, awarded to academically qualified students pursuing an interest in international matters. In her spare time, Cecelia teaches competitive and recreational tap dance at a local dance academy.
Cecelia received a Bachelor of Arts degree in human rights with a minor in political science, cum laude, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology, cum laude, from the University of Connecticut in 2023. Cecelia was recognized as a University of Connecticut New England Scholar and an Honors Scholar.